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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Purple Coo Book Group Autumn Read 2017

To vote for your favourite books please make your 1st and 2nd choices in the comments box below then, following a count up, I'll post the most popular title on the Purple Coo  main site and in Behind the Bike Sheds on Facebook. If you are unable to vote below, please let me know your choice via the Purple Coo main site or via Facebook

A Life of My Own by Claire Tomalin
The autobiography of a talented writer better known for her works on the lives of other authors such as Austen, Hardy and Dickens.

Mount by Jilly Cooper
An effortless easy to read book about bonking and horses – need I say more?

Pekin to Paris by Dina Bennett
A true story of how Mr and Mrs Bennett buy a vintage 1940 GM La Salle and, despite having the day dreaming, carsick Dina as navigator, actually set off on a 7,800 mile race from China, across Mongolia, Russia, taking in the Baltic States, Poland and Germany along the way, with the intention of ending up in the Place de Vendome Paris 35 days later.

Swing Time by Zadie Smith
Two girls, both mixed race and from similar backgrounds, have an overwhelming love of dance and musical theatre. Friends since childhood, they grow up to follow very different destinies, one is a super-talented dancer, the other merely as dogsbody PA to an international rock star. (Man Booker short list 2017)

Skin Deep by Laura Wilkinson
When struggling art student and former exploited child model, Diana sets out to liberate the disfigured child, Cal from his world of enforced isolation among the low life of Manchester’s Hulme Estate, she maintains she’s acting in the child’s best interests. But Diana, ambitious for success in the avant-garde art world also recognises the vulnerable Cal as her muse.  But triumph and fame means Diana must follow an increasingly bizarre path, one that brings her into conflict with the needs of the now teenage Cal.

The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry
It’s 1893 and newly widowed Cora Seaborne and her troubled son move away from London for the promise of fresh air and refuge in Colchester. Once there Cora, a keen and rational amateur naturalist, becomes embroiled in the Essex Serpent myth, a legendary beast said to be back roaming the Aldwinter coast. Suspecting an undiscovered species, she sets out to find out the truth, only to find herself entangled in a local legend, and the life of Aldwinter’s charismatic vicar as well

The painting is Pines and Tracks by the very talented Cheryl Culver